How About a Mushroom!

A comment most heard from my friends is “I Hate Mushrooms.” Also said is “they have no taste, they are ugly.” In my mind, what ever does that have to do with them being healthy for the body. 

Free vector different types of mushrooms

Did you know that mushrooms have been used as a means to heal in the world for centuries. Why? Because they contain compounds called beta glucans that have many health benefits, to include antiviral and immune-boosting effects. 

It is interesting to know that mushrooms are considered to be fungi. There are thousands of species and all have healing qualities, however, in todays world we are familiar with very few. The ones most familiar to folks are basically what you see in the grocery store…which are generally just called mushrooms. However, other species are slowly making their way into familiarity such as the Shitake – which have long been a staple of East Asian cuisine and used in traditional Chinese medicine. They have antiviral effects against several types of viruses, bolster immune defenses, boost secretion of antibodies that protect the digestive tract and reduce C-reactive protein, a marker of harmful chronic inflammation.

Another is Maitake – these mushrooms grow in various parts of the world and are commonly used in cooking. This one activates immune cells to fight infection.

Chaga – new on the scene grows primarily on birch trees in cold climates. They are powerful immunomodulators. In studies of mice they have been shown to keep down levels of the tumor necrosis factor – a marker of potentially harmful inflammation. They are also antiviral.

Studies show many mushrooms have been shown to “encourage the growth of healthy microbiota.”

In summary beta glucans are most responsible for all of the above mentioned benefits.

Not to be left off the list is a mushroom called ‘Lions Mane.‘ This mushroom, I learned about recently, is being found by researchers to lower cancer risk. 

All mushrooms, are low in calories , can be eaten raw as a healthy snack, mixed into a salad or cooked into different dishes. The latest – shown me by my daughter is crunchy mushrooms – mushrooms which are similar to potato chips. 


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