What You May Not Know!

TIPS...After I read what these 2 articles had to say, I thought they needed to be shared.

The first link is about aluminum foil. I was aware that the use of aluminum foil can lead to heavy metal toxicity – so this was of extreme importance to me as a detox specialist.

Through the years, aluminum foil has been a staple in many households, because of its versatility for use.  However, new scientific information  seems to be leading us in a different direction indicating the detrimental effect it can have on ones health.  My conclusion! Everyone should be concerned. Read the article and then come to your own conclusion. Click on the link.


Coughing seems to be prevalent these days. Everywhere I go someone is coughing. So why is this happening? For one thing the air these days is filled with all kinds of chemical activity, as is the food that we eat.

I suggest you read this article as well. Just click on the title and find out for yourself if the information here might apply to you.

8 Alarming Causes of a Lingering Cough and How to Treat It

As always, everyone should be actively doing what you can to maintain a healthy immune system. The information I bring to you is for information purposes only. Continue to do your own research.  Apply the steps you think are necessary in regards to your health issues. If you feel you need to consult a doctor, the choice is yours.


Never too much….

Free Fruit Clip Art

This seems to be the day for sharing fabulous health video and information links. I cannot do justice to by just taking notes or trying to repeat in my words what is being expressed or talked about in what I am sharing.

Starting with something simple: 

(From The Nutrition Watch Dog)

…strenuous exercise leads to a buildup of lactic acid – which can cause muscle pain and fatigue. Baking soda has been found to boost performance in athletes due to its ability to neutralize lactic acid buildup. Recipe’s for making your own ‘health concoction’. 

– ½ teaspoon unprocessed sea salt
– ¼ teaspoon baking soda
– 7 cups coconut water
– ½ cup lemon juice
– ¼ cup raw honey
1. Heat the coconut water on low and mix in baking soda until it is dissolved.
2. Add other ingredients and pour mixture into glass jar.
3. Shake well before use.
4. This will keep for a week in the refrigerator.

Coconut water: Although coconut water has a deceptively light consistency, it has higher levels of minerals such as iron, magnesium, manganese, calcium and zinc than many fruits, including the famously healthy orange. Additionally, coconut water has high amounts of B-vitamins, such as niacin, thiamin, riboflavin and pyridoxine and is extremely high in potassium.

As well, other benefits of coconut water include: antioxidant properties, may help lower blood pressure, prevent kidney stones; supports heart health and is especially beneficial after prolonged exercise. It is a great hydration source…electrolyte-filled and is delicious. 

Raw honey: One of the substantial benefits of choosing raw organic honey from your area is that it contains immune stimulating properties from the area where the bees collected pollen. This means that it can actually help to desensitize you to local allergens, potentially lessening your allergy symptoms.

Are you suffering from acid reflux? I hear this comment all the time, especially after folks have eaten spicy foods. Acid reflux typically results from having too little acid in your stomach, you can help improve this by mixing 2 tablespoons of raw, unfiltered, apple cider vinegar into a 6 to 8 ounce glass of water. By adding ¼ teaspoon of baking soda to this mixture will further help neutralize your internal fire. Be prepared, however: this mixture will foam – so wait for it to slow down before you drink it.

Many folks just want to chug down a glass of water with baking soda in it to ease a bout of acid reflux, but you can add supplemental benefits by replacing the water with organic green tea – add ¼ teaspoon of baking soda to an 8 ounce cup before drinking. Enjoy daily, but keeping in mind that if acid reflux continues to the point of ongoing pain and discomfort it would be wise to contact a good natural healing oriented doctor. 

Last but not least, I have been following ‘Green Med’ as one of the best sources out there for health information. With talk of nuclear wars, third world wars and radiation exposure from bombs, not to discount what we are exposed to from EMF’s…cell phones, computers, microwave ovens and etc. you might want to check the following ‘Green Med’ link:


This has been a lot to absorb. When I remind you to do your own research – for some the suggestion can be mind boggling. The above information is in a way, showing you how to do it. There are many videos, podcasts, scientific sources, and other researcher’s info out there. Don’t be afraid to explore. 


Bunches of Tips

I got up early one morning
and rushed right into the day.
I had so much to accomplish
that I didn’t have time to pray.
Problems just tumbled about me,
and heavier came each task.
“Why doesn’t God help me?”
I wondered.
He answered, “You didn’t ask.”
I wanted to see joy and beauty,
but the day toiled gray and bleak;
I wondered why God didn’t show me.
He said, “But you didn’t seek.”
I tried to come into God’s presence;”
I used all my keys at the lock.
God gently and lovingly chided,
“My child you didn’t knock.”
I woke early this morning, 
and paused before entering the day;
I had so much to accomplish
that I had to take time to pray. (Anon)

You may be familiar with some of or even all of the tips below, but in this case repetition can be good. It is easy to say to yourself when you hear or see something, ‘I like that, I will have to remember it.’ Yet how easily we get distracted and forget or don’t follow through with our intentions. Hopefully, each of you will gain some knowledge of things you may never have heard of or don’t already know. Here we go….

TIPS – from various sources – doctors, scientific information and my notes from webinars and workshops. 

  • 3 tsp Black cumin Seed Oil per day is good to control exposure to radiation.
  • An MRI suffocates blood and destroys cells. Not good. All of creation is made up of atoms, so the body – bones, tissues, organs and glands – is made up of cells – over  75 trillion cells. Each cell is as individual as you are. They have their assignment to perform certain tasks, while all working together in harmony. You CANNOT AFFORD TO LOSE OR DESTROY ANY OF YOUR CELLS. (Dr. Robert Morse)
  • Tingling, loss of feeling, and  eye issues are all connected to the nervous system. As well – are your emotions. (Dr. Robert Morse)
  • The body must be alkaline almost to 100%. Eating raw veggies – not cooked is a big help for keeping cells healthy. (Dr. Robert Morse)
  • All disease starts with dehydration. Lack of hydration symptoms include  headaches, leg cramps, fatigue, dizziness, dry mouth or cough, crave sugar, swollen feet, etc. This is just to name a few. Do the research. 
  • Detox for the vaccine is not a guarantee you are getting rid of all the toxins that are in the vaccine  – mainly spike protein and graphene oxide.
  • Chlorophyll, oil, water and salt are 4 things the body needs for good health.
  • An alkaline body is a healthy body…
  • Dr. Robert Young “A self care to a self cure…the only one holding you back is you. Sickness is a consequence of choice.” Change is the only thing in life that is constant.
  • Glutathione is good for nails, overall health (Lewis Herms). The importance of glutathione is lately being talked about by many sources as being life saving for total body healing and maintenance. Do the research.
  • Difference between Acute and Chronic Inflammation
    Acute: Heat, redness, swelling, pain loss of function
    Chronic: Fever, joint pain or stiffness, mouth sores, skin rash.

    Inflammation is the body’s way of telling you there is something wrong. See your doctor.

    Foods that reduce inflammation – Omega 3’s and healthy oils in fatty fish like salmon, tuna, sardine and anchovies. (Must be wild caught) The best oil is Olive oil (check the label for source), others are high-oleic sunflower or safflower oil. Dark colored fruit: cherries, blueberries and blackberries. Seeds, nuts and whole grains – flax, pumpkin seeds and walnuts. Grains – quinoa (best), whole wheat, barley oats and rye. Green tea. Seaweed – this super edible algae has potent anti-inflammatory properties. 

Do you know that the THYROID – a butterfly-shaped gland in the front of your neck produces hormones that affect bone density, heart rate, brain function, weight, reproductive health, body temperature, metabolism and etc. How to boost metabolism – eat balanced meals, nutrients to include iodine, selenium, zinc, and vitamin B12. (Life Extension)

Note as well, that CAFFEIN interferes with a good working THYROID. 

That is enough for today. A lot to absorb. I try to make it short and sweet so you, my readers are not overwhelmed. 

Again, what I feed you is for information purposes only. To help you to think and apply as you wish. 

REMEMBER: “It is your life, your body, your choice.” 




Health tips!

animation thought bubble with word humm

Many new methods to restore, maintain, and/or fix health issues because of old methods not working are being introduced by researchers from all around the world.

I could take extensive notes to share much of this new information, but it would take thousands and thousands of words in a blog. I have learned, from my experience of owning a business, that most folks, because of the fast lane lives we are trying to live in today – like a quick easy fix, and less to read when it comes to learning things, or receiving information.

Techtronics, in my opinion is great, but I cringe sometimes when I think about what it is doing to the minds of both the young and elderly people of today. So much stress – mentally and physically – to the point that the health of many is going astray.

I would like to share a couple of links to sites that tackle health issues and possible new ways to handle those issues which may pertain to you or not. I share these for the purpose of helping you learn about the latest information available at this time. The first follows:

The Defender

This next podcast is all about mushrooms. UGH – I know, many of  you may not like mushrooms, but bear with me. What you will learn is worth the short time to watch the video. Then you can make the decision as to whether mushrooms might be beneficial to any health issues you may have.


I could not do justice to any of this information by just telling you about it.  Much of it is new to me as well as it may be to many of you – my readers.

To be repetitive, the purpose of this blog like most of my blogs is to provide knowledge. It is up to you to do further research. You can become your own doctor when you take control of your own health.

The choice of what you do with the above information and the knowledge you gain is YOUR CHOICE!

“May God send His love like sunshine in His warm and gentle way, to fill each corner of your heart each moment of today.” (Anon)

“All things are possible with God.” (Mark 10:27)

Word Games

“Oh what a tangled web we weave, when we practice to deceive.”

“I am a little girl and I have a little curl, right in the middle of my forehead. When I am good, I am very, very good, but when I am bad I am horrid.”

In todays world we are being told that life has been nothing but a word game. Words that we are or have been familiar with have been or are being changed in the dictionary, Wikipedia, Google, where ever…as I write this.

Is it being done with the purpose to deceive people all over the world?  Do your own research to find out what the word ‘deceive’ means. I am as confused as you who are reading this…especially if you are familiar with what is going on behind the scenes all over the world.

The second quote, above, is one I was assigned to say as a line in a play when I was 5 years old. What do you suppose that meant? As a five year old, I had no idea, except that maybe there was good and bad in the world. Back then good and bad were taken for granted. As a child did we really know what those two words meant? Not unless you were taught, and I mean by your parents – I don’t mean by the teachers in school.

I was attending kindergarten in a Catholic school at the time. If we did something the teacher thought was bad – but we didn’t, we were spanked on a body part with a ruler, supposedly to teach us a lesson. I was taking piano lessons at the time at the same school from the same teacher. She was always hitting me on the knuckles of my hands, telling me that I wasn’t holding them right. As a 5 year old might think, did that mean I was ‘bad’?

Over the years, I have watched with great intent how folks who play the piano hold their hands. Most of them hold them the same way I did back then. So what was I doing wrong? As a young child I soon came to believe I was a ‘horrid’ person, and I had no idea what that word meant.  All I remember now is that in my mind, I could never be a ‘horrid’ person ever again. Was I stigmatized for life?

Today, you could call that ‘stressed’. What does stress do to a person? It ruins the well being of a person’s health both mentally and physically.

WORDS!  You have heard said: “Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never harm me.” REALLY?

This could become a huge blog…with many a differing of opinions. Luckily, eventually, I figured out the meaning of words, lots of words – to the point where as an adult in the working world, when I had time on my hands, I read and studied the dictionary. Maybe that is why I write a blog? I keep wanting to quit, but GOD doesn’t seem to want me to.

I will end with the word ‘courage’. I call it that, but the poem or saying written by Mary Ellen Stelling, calls it as follows:

“Have the courage to be lonely!
Walk sometimes in  mist and rain,
Stand and watch a brilliant sunset,
Stoop to see a child’s domain.
Shun the marketplace of life,
Do not gallop with the pack;
Prefer to stand upon a hilltop
And let the storm beat on your back.
Think your thoughts, keep your counsel,
Let the herd run where it will.
Have the courage to be different,
Have the bravery to stand still and
Listen to that distant music
None but the lonely heart may heed.
Then from this dream of solitude
Find a solution for every need.”

Animated Words Clipart




Tips from Miscellaneous Dr.’s

More notes from webinar…

Dr. David Minkoff

  • Plaque is the end result of an inflammatory process.
  • The heart artery isn’t very big, so that is why plaque builds up easily.
  • Statins – weakens the liver, causes dementia. Statin drugs target the LDL. As testosterone lowers, a persons personality is affected.
  • Stints – do have side effects. After about 6 months they can cause clots. Then the patient is put on blood thinners, etc.  which causes more problems.

Dr. Cynthia Foster –

  • Plaque: Cholesterol deterioration causes plaque. Every cell in the body is  lined on outside with cholesterol. The body can’t make cells without cholesterol.
  • Everyone needs a good liver cleanse. The thyroid is an important organ. Smoking damages arterial walls. Statins increase risk of Parkinson’s. Plaque is trying to protect you. To take away the need for plaque you need antioxidants.   Need to eat foods to counteract all the bad stuff.
  • Garlic: Garlic lowers your blood sugar, lowers cholesterol, kills bacteria, viruses, fungus, parasites, and lowers blood pressure. Garlic can be put in everything – humus, broth, pasta, raw, (raw is better than cooked if want it to have good healing results).
  • Good foods to eat include: liver, all greens, salads, dandelion, put in smoothie, enjoy.
  • AVOID fried foods, avoid trans fats, white flour, sugar (white) it’s been stripped of all nutrient value it would have had, and all processed foods.
  • Eat whole grains, have fiber.
  • One needs to make sure their colon is moving (need bowel movement 1-2 or more times a day.) It’s the way your body eliminates waste/toxins.
  • You need probiotics, coconut milk, yogurt, cultured, miso, herbs etc.
  • Anti-inflammatory life style is a anti-plaque life style.
  • Prescription meds lead to an inflammatory life  style.
  • If gut gets clogged up there is a communication problem with organs, liver, kidneys, etc.
  • If the taking of herbs make you sick you are in a healing crisis.
  • Activated charcoal helps cleanse the gut. Respect the way your body responds to a cleanse. DETOX
  • Magnesium chloride good for heart. If you get diarrhea from magnesium take Vitamin C. Need Vitamin K, it neutralizes. Vitamin E and magnesium are mild blood thinners (usually when taken with other supplements). Black marks on the skin of hands and other extremities are from taking too much or too many blood thinners (usually prescription meds).
  • Need B-Complex.
  • For irregular heart beat, red clover is natural blood thinner.
  • Aspirin erodes the lining of the stomach and causes stomach ulcers.
  • Heart issues can cause constipation. If dehydrated it affects your heart.
  • People don’t need coffee.

Dr. Rashid ButtarEmotions can cause physical diseases such as cancer, heart, etc. Have to dig deep, observe self, find emotional problem that has festered for years.

Dr. Eric L. Zielinski –

  • Treat heart disease issues with essential oils.
  • Aspirin has been linked to cancer.
  • Essential oils can be used to prevent heart disease, stress, anxiety, depression etc. Oils for this include lavender, red clover, citrus, lime, orange, bergamot, grapefruit oil.
  • Alcohol is  destructive to cardiovascular system.
  • Essential oils penetrate your blood stream. EO’s are not contradictory to prescription meds – only some of them if inhaled.
  • Study your oils. Know your oils. Lime and grapefruit oil inhaled stimulates fat breakdown. Also causes you to eat less – reduces cravings as does peppermint oil and cinnamon oil. Blood Pressure oils – bergamot, lavender, ylang-ylang.
  • Oils can be inhaled through a diffuser.
  • Recipes for hypertension: In a 5 ml bottle – carrier oil, then add 20 drops lavender, 15 drops marjoram, 22 drops ylang-ylang.  Overall heart healthy recipe – 5 ml bottle: carrier oil then add 20 drops Coriander, 10 drops each of lavender, bergamot, clary sage, geranium. Oils are also safe to consume once a day in gel cap such as garlic or black seed oil. Oils used as a carrier include coconut, olive, etc.  When used in a gel cap – can take for 4 weeks or 2-3 mo. ( Check Dr. Zielinski’s  book Essential Oils for Heart Health for more information and directions.)

Dr. Edward Group –

  • Detox Cardio vascular system: hydrate with water. Detox – change diet, clean liver, clean gut and all organs. Get rid of metals. Go all natural. After doing all this cardiovascular system gets back to normal. Blood gets clean and clear, then the body begins to heal self. You are  unclogging, physically. spiritually and emotionally. No different than cleaning kitchen or showering on a regular basis. Eat all organic, gluten free, avoid sugars, eat live foods. Transition off of dead foods, pasta, meat, cheese, bread, processed, etc.

Last note is on dental info. I hit a wrong button and somehow deleted the Dentist’s name. However here are the notes I took and the info is valid.

  • Keeping your teeth healthy is called oral health.
  • Naturopathic dentists are saying: No root canals, or crowns, etc.
  • Considered replacement options for pulled teeth: bridge, implants (ideally is zirconium ceramic) or retreat tooth to be pulled with ozone etc. Before you decide on root canal, bridge, or implant, you can pull and go with no replacement tooth – but will cope with shift and drift of other teeth. You will bite off and chew food less, swallow larger pieces of food (not good). Implant is most sterile, clean, and is exact size tooth replacement.

I hope this information is useful for my readers. I learned a lot on this webinar. But as I always say. Do your own research. What I do is provide information which you can do with, or follow up on, at your own discretion.




Sound Healing

I am starting this blog with a quote. One which gives the powerful and almighty God credit for everything that happens in life.

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“Any system of education…which limits instruction to the arts and sciences and rejects the aids of religion in forming the characters of citizens, is essentially defective. 

In my view the Christian religion is the most important and one of the first things in which all children, under a free government ought to be instructed. No truth is more evident to my mind than that the Christian religion must be the basis of any government intended to secure the rights and privileges of a free people.” (Noah Webster)

We will never go back to what most of us know or feel is ‘normal’. That freedom has been taken away from us by the governmental powers that be  who are not God oriented.

However, there are God fearing folks working in the background, diligently trying to find new methods for making life bearable and hopefully better in what is soon be called ‘the new norm’. This is specifically being seen in the field of health.

One of the methods being discussed is healing through sound frequency. This would totally eliminate any ones need to take medications, unless it is absolutely necessary. In the near future for those who are unaware, you will be hearing about what is called a ‘med bed’. There are some of you who are already aware of this terminology. You can research this subject for yourselves…but as an introduction – the following explains a little bit about how sound frequency works on 2 things, a med bed and a watch.

Did you know that hertz (a unit of measure we use to talk about sound) is 1 vibrational cycle per second – and that there are frequencies (known as the Solfeggio Frequencies) that have proven healing effects, like 174 Hertz.

“Energy and frequency, working together via sound, are a truly powerful healer, physically, mentally, emotionally…”  (Electric Sense)

“We don’t know exactly, but its ability to change our emotional state is paramount (just think about how your favorite music makes you feel). Sound not only passes through your body it is also an open gateway to your brain and mind.”

As well, our planet (plants and animals have been shown to be impacted by sound too).

Sound healing is a holistic, natural therapy, a timeless science, that uses sound waves to promote physical, mental, and emotional well-being. It is based on the principle that everything in the universe is vibrating. When certain vibrations, sounds, interact with your body (or your biofield, to be more precise), this can create resonance and promote health, or it can create dissonance which can lead to disease.

It is being revealed that sound therapy has been used for thousands of years to treat a variety of health conditions, including chronic pain, anxiety, depression, sleep disorders etc. It is also being used to treat more serious conditions, such as cancer and heart disease.

In ancient times Greek physicians used flutes, lyres, and zithers to help heal patients. They used vibration to aid digestion, treat mental disturbance, and even to induce sleep. (reference King Saul in the bible when he called for David to come to him to play his harp, in my words, for the purpose of calming his soul.)

In fact, SOUND waves are now used by modern medicine to break up kidney stones (it’s called lithotripsy).

I find this information fascinating.  In my research I have found two company’s that have already introduced this type of healing to the public. One is the ‘med bed’ therapy, which is or will be a new method of healing in hospitals. Doctors will have to be retrained to heal people by natural means.

I have permission to share their links. This will make some of the research you do yourself a little bit easier. The links are as follows:


The story of this product is extraordinary. John Baxter is a remarkable person. After a lot of research on this type of healing and comparing other companies with this one, I will be trying out his products soon…so will keep you updated.

The next link is on ‘frequency’ healing…with another remarkable story.


This is how I got started in using sound frequency therapy for healing. I was skeptical at first, but after a lot of research and watching and listening to podcasts regarding this method, I purchased a WAVwatch. I have been using one for almost a year now…and have shared with friends, one to whom I gave a watch, one who purchased their own and others who are checking the info out for themselves. The healing results are unbelievable. The watch has 1000 sound frequencies on it. It is natural healing for every health issue on the planet – in my opinion. I use the watch, but still take daily, or weekly supplements by way of natural herbal formulas. I take no prescription drugs or over-the-counter medications.

The sharing of these natural healing methods is for  ‘information only,’ to help you who are reading, to research for yourselves healing methods in regards to your own personal journey for improved health.

GOD IS ABSOLUTELY GOOD!!!! May we all be blessed.

Food for Thought?


‘COMMON SENSE’ –  what is it?  Can it be food for thought?

There are many people who do not know the answer to this question. Why? Because people think knowledge only comes from what they have been taught in school. I went to school with people who became perennial students in college after they graduated from high school. They never depended on their own sense (common sense) to help them solve problems or guide them through life. They thought that the only way they could do that was by book knowledge…of which they could never get enough of.

The good news….

Common sense started with our creator. It was given to us along with our freedom to choose. If people would not let other entities control their lives and way of thinking, or as it is in today’s world, let things like socialism become the life style they live – which started with a needle prick, everyone in the world could get back to living the life God meant for us to live.

Common sense is being able to recognize the difference between right/wrong, God/Adversary, good/evil – why did God teach us this? The Bible is a whole book of answers and reasons why.

An example of common sense to me is a saying my mother used to use – regarding the difference between hearing and listening. Hearing – like my mother used to say “is listening but letting what you hear go in one ear and out the other.” In other words you hear what is being said but your mind is on other things and you are paying no real attention to what is being said.  Listening, on the other hand is hearing, comprehending what is being said, and then acting upon it using common sense.

Today people hear only what they want to hear and act with complacency. When listening one comprehends, studies out in their mind what is heard, and then applies that knowledge (hopefully using common sense) to solve problems or issues in the best way possible according to their ability to do so.

Common sense can lead to questioning. Questioning is often used to test a  lack of knowledge regarding something. It can be doubt or disputable, open for discussion. The resolution is in finding the answer which involves study, research and reasoning out in the mind, prayer, and then using common sense to act upon the thing in question. Never leave God out of the equation.

Would we be living in a better world today if those in leadership positions in our past had used, and those in the present would use ‘common sense’ to solve political issues, like the founding fathers of our nation did? In my opinion the answer is a resounding YES!

In biblical times, children often became kings of countries at very young ages. Was that Godly common sense?  Youth, during the 1700 and 1800’s often became leaders, scholars, teachers, government leaders, presidents, etc. at very young ages. Many went to and graduated from well known universities and colleges between 12-16 years of age.  Many spoke multiple languages by the age of 5+. As well, many without a college education, but being blessed by God, performed those same tasks. How was this possible  you say – common sense. 

When God was taken out of the equation and man decided he knew more than God, the above statistics changed drastically. Youth were to be seen and not heard. Youth became controlled by men who had exalted themselves, and success has become measured by knowledge only thought to be obtained in an elite university and at an older age.

Why have we in our generation let this happen to us? Are we not a God fearing, God respecting, God loving generation of people? Why do we not rely on common sense to lead us through life?

Why do we think, in today’s age, that only the Harvard Graduate, the elite, the wealthy, are the only folks qualified to lead the nations worldwide?

Let’s put God fearing folks back in charge of our nation! Let’s put God back into our individual lives!  Let us exercise our God given freedom, using common sense, to make decisions that we know we will have to live with for the rest of our lives!

I regret that it has taken me so long, as I am sure it has taken many of you, a lifetime to understand the importance of COMMON SENSE.

Another short blog, but for many I hope it is good FOOD FOR THOUGHT!





Frankincense And Myrrh ClipartThere are stories all over the world pertaining to ‘Christmas’. It is said that ‘Jesus is the reason for the season’, but most of us know Jesus was not born on December 25th. There are stories about the 3 wise men, the shepherds, the star, etc. What will be noted today is a story I came across in regards to  the 3 Wise Men and the gifts they offered the baby Jesus.

I ran across this article in my drawer of ‘throw things in.’  The author apparently is anonymous as there was nothing on the sheet of paper to say who wrote it. However, I find it very interesting as I hope you will as well.

Magic Potion Image                     FRANKINCENSE AND MYRRH

Frankincense and myrrh are two of the gifts offered to the Child Jesus by the wise men from the East (Matthew 2:11). In ancient times these items were valued at their equivalent weight in gold, thereby limiting their possession to kings, priests and only the most wealthy; hence, they were a fitting gift for the Christ.

Large camel caravans followed several routes across the Arabian peninsula carrying the frankincense and myrrh to the ancient seaports of the Mediterranean Sea, and traveling an average of twenty miles per day. One of the most famous, the Frankincense Trail, is probably the route followed by Lehi after his departure from Jerusalem. There is evidence that one trail led across the Empty Quarter, a most desolated and still largely unexplored desert region of southern Saudi Arabia. The journey was nothing less than hazardous; the caravan faced the perils of extreme heat, fierce sandstorms, scarcity of water and attacks by brigands. They were additionally required to pay tolls to the various tribes whose lands they crossed. For those caravans that never completed their  journey, the sands of the desert soon covered all evidence of what had happened.

Since ancient times frankincense, more specifically known as olibanum from its Arabic name, “al laban,” has served for embalming, to stop bleeding, to heal wounds, for paralysis, as an antidote for poisons, to ease stress, improve heart rate, breathing, and blood pressure, relieve pain, boost the immune system, to treat dry skin, reverse signs of aging, and today – to fight cancer, and as an incense, especially in religious services. Quantities of it were discovered in the tomb of King Tutankhamen. Olibanum was greatly valued by the ancient Jews, Greeks and Romans.

Myrrh has been used since ancient times as a stimulating tonic, an ingredient of perfumes and cosmetics, an ointment, a medicine for stomach ailments, an incense and especially in embalming. Today it serves mostly as an antiseptic in mouthwash and dentifrice and as a healing salve.

Frankincense and myrrh are fragrant, or aromatic, gum resins obtained from trees. Frankincense is derived from two species of trees of the genus Boswellia, a low, many-branched tree which lacks a central trunk so that it looks more like a shrub. It commonly grows from six to fifteen feet in height. Myrrh, which derives its name from the Hebrew or Arabic word for ‘bitter’ is obtained from the Commiphora abyssinica tree. This genus has a central trunk which sometimes reaches one foot in diameter. Both the Boswellia and the Commiphora abyssinica possess dark green, serrated leaves and are in foliage following the rainy season. Both are also native to two areas of the world: the southern Arabian peninsula and the horn of Africa (Somalia).

A gum resin consists of thick liquids which are secreted or extracted from a plant and which harden naturally. The gum resins of frankincense and myrrh are obtained by cutting and peeling the bark in several places, which permits the resin to exude. It then hardens upon contact with the air. Generally, this harvest takes place in the late spring or early summer.

The hardened frankincense resin consists of semi-transparent, yellowish drops, called “tears”, which are broken up for use. Myrrh, which has a bitter, pungent taste, ranges in color from yellowish brown to reddish brown. As incense, both are placed on hot charcoal, where they readily burn. The price of these commodities fell drastically and forever during the time of the Roman emperors when Dhows (sailing ships) began to take advantage of the monsoonal air currents on the Red Sea and brought vast quantities of Frankincense, myrrh and other spices to the Mediterranean world safely and in record time.

As stated above, these were two very precious oils to the people of biblical times. It is interesting to know that they are still as precious today and both are used as methods for the Natural Healing of the body.

I hope you enjoyed this read. For more information – do the research.




God ClipartWe live in a time of censorship for telling the truth or even quoting the truth from years before now, to include the bible. May these quotes be safe from censorship.

I have always been an ‘I love quotes’ person. Quotes, to me, come from the heart of the folks who say them. I would like to share with you a few I have collected over the years. I have many, but will start with these. Others will come in  ‘Quotes Cont.’ blogs or intermingled with blogs on other subjects that I write about. Let the quotes begin….

Dr. Robert Morse

  • Fungus feeds depression
  • Herbs do not block cells, they enhance cell function.

“Attitude is a choice
Happiness is a choice
Kindness is a choice
Giving is a choice
Respect is a choice
Whatever choice you make, make your choice wisely.”

This quote is old, but  I love it. Unchanged from when I found it to include any spelling errors.

Remember, old folks are worth a fortune – with silver in their hair, gold in the teeth, stones in their kidneys, lead in the feet and gas in the stomachs. I have become a little older since I saw you last and a few changes have come into my life. Frankly, have become a frivolous old gal.

I am seeing five gentlemen every day. As soon as I wake up, Will Power helps me get out of bed. Then I go to see John. Next, Charlie Horse comes along and when he is here he takes a lot of my time and attention. When he leaves, Arthur Ritis shows up and stays the rest of the day. He doesn’t like to stay in one place, so he takes me from joint to joint. After such a busy day, I’m really tired and glad to go to bed with Ben Gay. What a life! Oh yes, I am flirting with Al Zymer.

P.S. The preacher came to call the other day. He said that at my age I should be thinking about the hereafter. I told him: “Oh I do, all the time. No matter where I am, in the parlour, upstairs, in the kitchen or down in the basement, I ask myself – NOW WHAT AM I HERE AFTER?”

A friend of mine who if she were alive would be  102 years old, sent me this. It is a quote not from someone else, but from her heart, worded as she wrote it.
“A greater poverty than, that caused by lack of money is the poverty of unawareness. Men and women go about the world unaware of the beauty, the goodness, that glows in it! Their souls are poor. It is better to have a poor pocketbook than to suffer from a poor soul.”

A second quote from her as she wrote it.
We should “question to differentiate between that which is ultimate, eternal, and incorruptible, as opposed to the temporary, transitory, and corruptible.”
(My friend S. Kitt is from Kiev in the Ukraine. She wanted me to accompany her back to her homeland for one more visit before she died. When I checked with the US Embassy and the Ukraine Embassy, they both told me “DO NOT COME – IT IS TOO DANGEROUS HERE FOR FOLKS COMING IN FROM OUT OF THE COUNTRY – ESPECIALLY IF YOU OR YOUR FRIEND ARE NOT IN GOOD HEALTH (she was not in good health). She agreed with what I was told, and we did not take the trip. As things are today, I am glad we did not go. But so you know, it is not the common folks who live in the Ukraine that are bad, it is their corrupt government. And this, I believe applies to every country in the world.

I am ending with a quote from me. After much research on masks, here is my professional observation. “Face masks are a symbol of Slavery, Silence, Submission, Subservience. (Britannica) “Masking up makes you a servant of man and not of GOD!”

May we all be blessed by GOD with the power of discernment and good health. 

Jesus loves you christian clipart